University of Missouri St. Louis Impact Report

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2025 {{campusName}} Impact Data Sheets

{{campusName}} Footprint in the {{entries.locationDistrictTypeGeneral | capitalize}} in {{year}}

{{entries.locationDistrictTypeLabel | capitalize}} Summary


  • {{entries[campus].Student}} {{ entries[campus].Student | pluralize("student") }}
  • {{entries[campus].ALUM}} {{ entries[campus].ALUM | pluralize("alumna or alumnus") }}
  • {{entries[campus].EMP}} {{ entries[campus].EMP | pluralize("employee") }}

Fall {{entries.locationDistrictTypeLabel | capitalize}} students


  • {{entries[campus].Student}} {{ entries[campus].Student | pluralize("student") }}

    • {{entries[campus].Student_Ugrad}} {{ entries[campus].Student_Ugrad | pluralize("Undergraduate") }}
    • {{entries[campus].Student_Grad}} {{ entries[campus].Student_Grad | pluralize("Graduate and professional student") }}
    • {{entries[campus].Student_FullTime}} Full-time {{ entries[campus].Student_FullTime | pluralize("student") }}
    • {{entries[campus].Student_PartTime}} Part-time {{ entries[campus].Student_PartTime | pluralize("student") }}
    • {{entries[campus].PELL}} Pell grant {{ entries[campus].PELL | pluralize("recipient") }} (aid year {{year}})

{{entries.locationDistrictTypeLabel | capitalize}} employees and retirees

  • {{entries[campus].EMP}} {{ entries[campus].EMP | pluralize("person") }} employed by {{campusNameAbbr}}

  • {{campusNameAbbr}} salary and retirement income: {{ entries[campus].INCOME | roundToDollar() }}
  • {{campusNameAbbr}} state tax revenue: {{ entries[campus].MO_TAX | roundToDollar() }}
  • {{campusNameAbbr}} federal tax revenue: {{ entries[campus].FED_TAX | roundToDollar() }}

{{entries.locationDistrictTypeLabel | capitalize}} alumni

  • Selected {{campusSuperAbbr}} alumni

    • {{selAlumEntry.value}} {{selAlumEntry.label}}
  • Alumni teaching K-12

    • {{entries[campus].teach_teachers}} {{ entries[campus].teach_teachers | pluralize("teacher") }}
    • {{entries[campus].teach_pct_teachers | roundToInteger() }}% of all district teachers
    • {{entries[campus].teach_admin}} {{ entries[campus].teach_admin | pluralize("principal or administrator") }}
    • {{entries[campus].teach_pct_admin | roundToInteger() }}% of all district principals and administrators
{{entries.locationDistrictTypeLabel | capitalize}} population: {{entries.areapop}} Missouri population: {{entries.areapop}}
Total FY{{fy}} {{campusNameAbbr}} students: {{entries[campus]._All_Students}}

Construction projects

    • {{ entries[campus].const_AMOUNT | roundToDollar() }} remitted to {{entries[campus].const_VENDORS}} {{entries.locationDistrictTypeLabel}} {{ entries[campus].const_VENDORS | pluralize("vendor") }}, for {{entries[campus].const_PROJECTS}} {{ entries[campus].const_PROJECTS | pluralize("project") }}

Health services provided

    • {{entries.UMHC.patients}} in-state {{ entries.UMHC.patients | pluralize("patient") }} seen at UM Health Care, with {{entries.UMHC.uncompensatedcare | roundToDollar}} of uncompensated care
    • {{entries.UMSL.patients}} in-state {{ entries.UMSL.patients | pluralize("patient") }} seen at UMSL Center for Eye Care with a statewide average of {{entries.UMSL.perpatient}} per patient in uncompensated care
    • {{entries.UMKC.patients}} in-state {{ entries.UMKC.patients | pluralize("patient") }} seen at UMKC School of Dentistry with a statewide average of {{entries.UMKC.perpatient}} per patient in uncompensated care
    • In FY{{fy}}, University of Missouri Health Care's Missouri Telehealth Network recorded {{entries.telehealthnumberofvisits}} {{ entries.telehealthnumberofvisits | pluralize("visit") }}

UM System properties and offices

  • {{universityProperties}}

Extension services provided

    • {{entries.extContactsExtension_EdContacts}} Total educational {{ entries.extContactsExtension_EdContacts | pluralize("contact") }} from MU Extension to residents of {{locationDistrictTypeNumd}}, including:
      • {{entries.extContactsAgriculture_Environment}} {{ entries.extContactsAgriculture_Environment | pluralize("contact") }} related to productive farming, better gardening, and managing natural resources
      • {{entries.extContactsYouth_Families}} {{ entries.extContactsYouth_Families | pluralize("contact") }} related to healthy eating and aging, strengthening families, personal finance, or youth development
      • {{entries.extContactsBusiness_Communities}} {{ entries.extContactsBusiness_Communities | pluralize("contact") }} related to starting businesses, developing community leaders, or renewing the local economy
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2025 UM Systemwide Impact Data Sheets


UM System Statewide Footprint

Economic and Community Development Highlights

  • In FY23, Business Development Specialists worked with small businesses and entrepreneurs statewide to create or retain 98,527 jobs.
  • $3.1billion

    For every dollar invested from 2019 to 2021, the MU Extension Business Development Program has returned $133 in economic impact for its clients by increasing sales more than $1.6 billion. For a total impact of $3.1 billion, the program has generated more than 37,000 jobs and attracted nearly $451 million in capital investments and $1.5 billion in government contracts.

  • Between FY18 and FY23, UM System brought Missouri more than $1.58 billion in federal and private research funds, funded primarily from outside the state, but spent within the state.
  • In FY{{fy}}, UM System was issued 29 patents and filed 69 new U.S. patent applications.

  • In FY{{fy}}, the UM System awarded 707 design and construction project contracts throughout Missouri, for a total investment of $287.3 million in the state.
  • In FY{{fy}}, to improve access to medical and health related services, MU Health Care’s Missouri Telehealth Network’s Show-Me ECHO program provided 16,687 hrs of case-based instruction to 3,113 learners located in 105 of 114 Missouri counties and the city of St. Louis.

Education and Training Provided

  • 40,542 police, fire fighters, and medical professionals attending continuing education (2023)
  • Agriculture and natural resource programs served 369,077 farmers and related businesses (2023)
  • 210,577 youth and stakeholder educational contacts in 4-H clubs, schools, camps and other programs (2023)

Education Highlights

  • FY{{fy}} Financial Aid Awards

    In FY{{fy}}, 69.7% of the UM System’s 79,014 students received financial aid totaling $1.048 billion

    28,608 students receiving financial aid
    $583.6M financial aid awarded
    11,518 students receiving financial aid
    $228.5M financial aid awarded
    Missouri S&T
    6,720 students receiving financial aid
    $127.7M financial aid awarded
    8,256 students receiving financial aid
    $107.8M financial aid awarded
  • UM System’s MOREnet (Missouri Research and Education Network) provides internet connectivity, access, support and training to 58 higher education institutions (230,000 students), 484 K-12 school districts (830,000 students) and 134 public libraries (serving nearly 3 million Missourians) in {{year - 1}}.

  • UM System awarded 50.5% of the 31,689 Bachelor’s or higher degrees awarded by Missouri four-year public institutions in 2023-24.
  • UM System awarded 35.0% of the 1,776 research doctorates and 26.8% of the 3,796 professional doctorates awarded by Missouri public and not-for-profit private institutions in 2023-24.
  • In FY{{fy}}, UM System’s $30.7 million in National Science Foundation (NSF) grants represented 96.9% of all NSF grants made to Missouri public colleges and universities.
  • In 2024, over 12,400 Missourians accessed, part of the UM System Broadband Initiative which helped the statewide build-out of high-speed internet infrastructure.

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